
v1.3.7 - June 2, 2024
- Tweak: Removed unused inline css
- Tweak: Prefixed css/js files for future troubleshooting purposes
- Fix: Preloader styles loading when disabled
- Fix: Cart dropdown not displaying properly

v1.3.6 - May 22, 2024
- New: Added support for heading module in header top
- Fix: Custom code output for multiple external items

v1.3.5 - May 21, 2024
- New: Added support for upcoming template library
- Tweak: Logo module compatibility with transparent header
- Fix: Empty url output for title bar featured images
- Fix: Unit selection on sliders

v1.3.4 - May 1, 2024
- New: 404 page preview mode within designer
- New: Search form layouts and styling options
- Tweak: Transparent logo
- Tweak: Transition for background and padding on sticky headers
- Tweak: Added active check for WC options
- Tweak: Added isset check for background module
- Tweak: 404 page
- Tweak: Default change to internal in custom code
- Tweak: Removed page history
- Tweak: Default text for heading modules on 404 page
- Tweak: Replaced placeholder images with webp versions
- Tweak: Social media icon defaults
- Tweak: Support for empty outputs on border control
- Tweak: Changed default value for pill style border radius to support larger font sizes
- Fix: Conflict between transparent and sticky headers
- Fix: Typography defaults and set values
- Fix: Elementor block styles not loading
- Fix: Google fonts not loading with empty/invalid families

v1.3.3 - March 27, 2024
- New: Off canvas editor
- New: Transparent logo options
- New: 404 page editor
- New: Heading module
- Tweak: Removed starter templates code
- Tweak: Removed unused code
- Tweak: Updated google fonts json
- Tweak: Breadcrumbs prefix set to false by default
- Tweak: Converted designer styling to neutral colors
- Fix: Logo module
- Fix: Admin bar stick on page load
- Fix: Designer preview loop caused by history changesets
- Fix: Elementor button styles

v1.3.2 - February 15, 2024
- New: Sticky logo transition for different sized logos
- Tweak: Added additional license checks for inactive domains
- Tweak: Added update errors for license key failures

v1.3.1 - February 3, 2024
- Tweak: Removed vendor files for ace editor
- Tweak: Removed styles for ace editor
- Tweak: Deprecated designer custom code control
- Fix: Ability to move modules within header

v1.3.0 - January 31, 2024
- New: Shortcode capabilities to html module
- New: Highlight toolbar with title in designer
- New: Universal code type to custom code
- New: WooCommerce cart icon module
- New: WooCommerce wishlist icon module
- New: Export sections option
- New: Off canvas toggle and content area for header middle/header bottom
- New: Ability to stack footer bottom menu items
- New: Preview mode message when enabled
- Tweak: Updated copyright to include site_title designer shortcode
- Tweak: Changed main and body background default colors
- Tweak: Custom code UI/UX
- Tweak: Single content container layout conditions
- Tweak: Disabled mega menu output in mobile menu
- Tweak: Updated license page to be a dashboard page
- Fix: Search form
- Fix: Wrong object in memory after get_pages
- Fix: Off canvas notices

v1.2.0 - December 7, 2023
- New: Moved custom code to theme panel
- New: Custom code display conditions
- New: Site_title to designer shortcodes
- Tweak: Removed custom code from designer
- Tweak: Removed portfolio switch from designer
- Tweak: Updated IDs for sticky quick edits in designer
- Tweak: Maintenance mode styling
- Tweak: Added spacing control default units
- Fix: Permalink processing after plugins
- Fix: Double wrap of media query in designer

v1.1.5 - October 23, 2023
- New: Pagination dots to related posts
- Tweak: Moved archive pagination inside of correct container
- Tweak: Style updates for pagination
- Tweak: Text-align issues
- Tweak: Header top dropdown color defaults
- Tweak: License updates

v1.1.4 - October 13, 2023
- Tweak: Removed empty check for entry content
- Tweak: Line-height step in typography control
- Fix: Updated loop with child theme version

v1.1.3 - October 12, 2023
- Tweak: Populating version in admin area
- Tweak: Documentation url in admin area
- Tweak: Account url in admin area
- Tweak: Admin area css
- Tweak: Social share icons typography
- Tweak: Translations
- Fix: Regex issue in domain

v1.1.2 - October 4, 2023
- New: User display conditions
- Tweak: Added additional check for portfolio
- Tweak: Moved order of custom css output
- Tweak: Added action for main output
- Fix: Missing link attributes on the button module

v1.1.1 - September 28, 2023
- Tweak: Adjusted z-index values
- Fix: Missing ID change for header bottom
- Fix: Missing global

v1.1.0 - September 26, 2023
- New: Support for multiple select items
- New: Content container layout options
- New: Styling options for woocommerce items
- Tweak: Moved custom script output
- Tweak: Changed payment methods padding
- Tweak: Added payment methods to tables border output
- Tweak: Various styling updates
- Fix: Licensing displaying incorrect status
- Fix: Designer conflict with selectWoo
- Fix: Undefined function error when woocommerce is not installed
- Fix: Removed individual selector for inline styles in designer

v1.0.10 - September 1, 2023
- Tweak: Side header margin output
- Tweak: Changed side header to a two columnn layout
- Tweak: Removed split out last module on side header

v1.0.9 - August 29, 2023
- New: Option to link the woocommerce cart icon to the cart page or checkout page
- Tweak: Prefixed additional IDs and classes for side header
- Tweak: Changed column-gap to gap for woocommerce icons menu
- Tweak: Removed featured image options for woocommerce to prevent conflicts with their own built-in options
- Tweak: Added missing conditionals for tooltips
- Tweak: Added translations

v1.0.8 - August 20, 2023
- Tweak: Removed underscore addition for font weight
- Tweak: Added font weight to submenu typography
- Tweak: Margin/padding output for spacing controls

v1.0.7 - August 16, 2023
- Tweak: CSS styles for menu items
- Tweak: Menu icons to font awesome 6

v1.0.6 - August 15, 2023
- Tweak: Prefixed additional IDs and classes for main containers
- Tweak: CSS styles to reflect prefixed IDs and classes
- Tweak: Transparent header offset in relation to wp admin bar
- Tweak: Removed redundant module css styles
- Fix: Base array for live sortable modules

v1.0.5 - August 11, 2023
- Tweak: Added css targets for gutenberg and elementor buttons
- Tweak: Added getSession() chained before setValue to prevent auto select
- Tweak: IDs and classes for outer containers to prevent conflict with 3rd party plugins

v1.0.4 - August 10, 2023
- Tweak: Renamed variables from specific to singular
- Tweak: Dispaly conditions
- Tweak: Header top z-index
- Fix: Directory typo on certain global modules
- Fix: Category view modes in woocommerce
- Fix: Page options not retaining after full refresh
- Fix: Invalid sortable positions

v1.0.3 - July 27, 2023
- New: Option to allow featured images in the title bar
- Tweak: Removed debug code
- Fix: Custom fonts
- Fix: Featured images not saving

v1.0.2 - July 18, 2023
- Tweak: Added translations
- Tweak: Various woocommerce styles
- Tweak: Custom js options
- Tweak: Title bar to allow builder blocks

v1.0.1 - July 15, 2023
- Tweak: Added prefix to sidebar
- Fix: Class typo for buttons
- Fix: Try-catch for timezones on theme options import
- Fix: Check for value patterns in css

v1.0.0 - July 10, 2023
- Initial release