Designer Overview

Options #

  • Choose between theme and page options.
  • See what panel you’re using by checking the You are here: area.
  • Expand an option panel to see each section you can enter.

Settings #

  • Choose between light and dark UI scheme.
  • Turn the Portfolio post type on/off.
  • Change the tablet and mobile breakpoints.
  • Reset all theme options (use with caution).

Note: Must have WordPress debug enabled to use the reset all theme options.

History #

  • See which user has recently edited options.
  • View dates and timestamps.
  • Revert options back to previous versions.

Documentation Quick Link #

A direct link to our documentation page. It will open in a new window.

Responsive Views #

Switch between desktop, tablet, and mobile view.

Preview/Save/Publish #

  • When preview mode is enabled all options will be hidden and you’ll be able to see the full entirety of your website setup.
  • Save changes if you’re not quite ready to take it live yet.
  • Publish changes when you’re ready to make everything available on the frontend of your website.

Exit Intents #

Each exit intent will exit you out of designer completely. You can exit to the page frontend, page backend, or dashboard.